
Wednesday, April 14

i noticed the
mailman was by
the mail boxes.

are you almost done?

give me two minutes.

you have to be very smart
to be a civil servant. did you know

i hate this job.
do you know that 40% of all
these homes are receiving
unemployment checks? 40!!
i wish i was on the other side
of the world, playing golf.

that's why i believe in Jesus.
i hang on to Him in these
dark times. He's my only

no words in response
to what i said. just more
genuine grieving for the
suffering. tinged with rage.

here we are.
God's children.
suffering. striving. and
He is working to remind us
that without troubles, we would
forget the desperate need for Him.
His grace. His Presence.

a thread wrapped around our
hearts. pulling us toward
Himself. our dependance on Him.
strong arms long enough
and wide enough to hold
us all.

a ribbon of love
tied around our wrists.
drawing us in. the warmth
of God's broad shoulders and
steady beating of His heart that
stretches around the wide, blue

this next week,
my sister starts her "kamikaze"
chemo and stem cell procedure.
terrified. i, her partner. almost as
fearful as she.

my daughter-in-law
who miscarried her first
baby, and is put on bed rest
with this second one. weak
heart beat.

your wounds?
terrors? battles?

march on, soldiers.
march on. shout the
victory call. join with
each other. a united
choir. bind the forces
of the enemy in Jesus'
Name. stare into the dark
abyss of chaos and despair.
fighting. fearless. daring.

i can hear the music.
the clap of thunderous joy.
higher ground.
out of the mist. the chill.
my hand in yours. yours in
mine. pass the cup of love.
victory reigns. stand steady.
alleluhia. allelluhia.

"Who shall separate us from
the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship
or persecution or famine
or nakedness or danger or sword?
As it is written:
'For your sake we face death
all day long; we are considered
sheep to be slaughtered.'
No, in all these things
we are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that
neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us
from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
~ Romans 8:35-39


  1. Hi Ann,lovely writing,God also brought me a memory of a song yesterday that I sang at an Episcopal church bible school when I was very young- a spiritual warfare song- Onward Christian soldiers-Marching as to war, with the cross of JESUS Going on before. Then another verse: "At the sign of triumph,Satan's host doth flee, On then Christian soldiers on to victory, Hell's foundations quiver, At the shout of PRAISE, Brother's lift your voices, loud your anthems raise!

  2. "that's why i believe in Jesus.
    i hang on to Him in these
    dark times. He's my only

    "here we are.
    God's children.
    suffering. striving. and
    He is working to remind us
    that without troubles, we would
    forget the desperate need for Him.
    His grace. His Presence."

    So, so, so very encouraging.

    Thanksful for his thread and ribbion!
