
Thursday, March 17

hit the wall.
drop the jar.
touch a hot iron.

listen to the noise of chaos.
hear the cries of pain.
feel the torch of rejection.

and stand. quiet and still.
feet flat on the ground.
paint the glory of the Cross
on your forehead. your breath
even and calm while life shakes
and rattles around you.

nothing about growth and faith
and hardship is easy.

it is late Saturday night.
my day started with the early
service at church. then, lunch with
a friend.
and a quick drive to san francisco
to see jan. whatever positive and beautiful
and kind that I could put into today is over.

did i smile at those around me?
grab a warm hand and squeeze it?
feel no judgement for anyone?
only love and compassion and hope?

we live in such a critical, judgemental
society. and more Christians are addicted
to judgement than anyone else in the secular

life can rattle and shake
all around us, but Jesus is our Conqueror.
our steadfast Hope. the music of His songs
still the waters and renew our urgent
longing for deliverance from ourselves.

we are warriors. Jesus is our passion.
and we march together. deliverance shines
on our faces.

i love the artistic, beautiful, little house
i rent from my friends whose
large house in front is theirs.

and, yes, i am hopelessly smitten with my
three month old grandbaby. my daughter-in-law,
who i truly love, is being deployed to dubais for
four months (brandt was deployed to bagdad a year ago),
and i get to take care of colben. he has a head of
black curls. smiles. blows bubbles. and tries to
carry on a conversation. all at 3 months.

let's not judge anyone.
love is the ONLY hope.
love! so simple and clean and
pure. always believing God has
the real picture of all our hearts so
He can do the judging and we can
love unconditionally.

fight the good fight.
stay the course.
i love you.

proverbs 3:5-6


  1. have spoke to me for so many years...I have a collection of every book you ever wrote and no matter how many times I read them, they speak.

    You will love having that little one all to your self.....

    would love to read about your life in the last 10 years....I have missed you.

    shreveport, la

  2. I love you, Ann. I just read this to my 24 year old son, he is making me scrambled eggs at the moment. I am so glad I can read you again! My husband and I read your books in the 70's before we met in Hawaii! Thank you, Elaine

  3. I love you Ann. I'm so happy for you to be taking care of your new grand-baby shortly! I remember when you held my baby, Summer, in your arms when you spoke at Pasadena First Church! It was an honor I will always cherish. I love your writing. It speaks VOLUMES to me.

  4. Ann...So glad to see your new writing.I have been checking for new posts and was getting worried about what was going on in your life.

    In our many moves since the 70's we have held on to your books. We are waiting for the publisher brave enough in today's economy to let your voice sail out on your words.

    God bless you as you take on this joy and challenge of caring of your grandson!

    Hugs, Heidi

  5. "nothing about growth and faith
    and hardship is easy.

    "we live in such a critical, judgemental
    society. and more Christians are addicted
    to judgement than anyone else in the secular

    "life can rattle and shake
    all around us, but Jesus is our Conqueror.
    our steadfast Hope. the music of His songs
    still the waters and renew our urgent
    longing for deliverance from ourselves."

    Ann hope you got in some good snuggling time with Colben and that the bonding between your hearts became deeper, purer, and more tender.

    "let's not judge anyone.
    love is the ONLY hope.
    love! so simple and clean and
    pure. always believing God has
    the real picture of all our hearts so
    He can do the judging and we can
    love unconditionally."

    Always upward! Always onward!
