
Sunday, February 19

every night, before i go to sleep,
i open my lap-top to see how my
readers are doing. how God is
working in other's lives. and i
pray for each of you who comments.

and i thank Jesus that He is still the
Savior of every-day moments. the
Lord who intervenes in all our struggles.
and answers us when we cry out.

He is the author of victories won and
every miracle. God can stand before
any and all mountains in our lives,
and in one breath make them shake and
rumble and crash at our feet. all because
of Him, we can fight every battle, knowing
He is always on our team and working in
our behalf.

i see Jesus in every clean, morning sky.
in every baby born. in the roar of oceans,
and the sound of rushing waters. in the
quiet of the afternoon sun, and every
evening when the brightness and warmth
melt across the far horizon.

wherever you are, i believe
for you and all the seeming impossibilities
in your lives. stand before Him, and hand
Him every sorrow and pain and burden...
knowing that He cares. He can create
beauty out of ashes, and take the sand
and stone and erect mountains for us
to stand on and claim victory.

today, we can worship and praise the
God of the universe. and rest from all
our worries and cares. know that we
are one in Him. you and Jesus and i
and love.


  1. I'm like a little kid opening a Christmas present when I read your blogs and see on my fb page that you have a new entry. Two days in a row!!!!! <3

    Thank you for the reminders of who God is and what he can do for us.

    "God can stand before
    any and all mountains in our lives,
    and in one breath make them shake and
    rumble and crash at our feet. all because
    of Him, we can fight every battle, knowing
    He is always on our team and working in
    our behalf."

  2. Thank you for your blessed words. My husband and I appreciate you! GOD BLESS YOU, Ann! GOD bless you. May He show you your words have uplifted many and delighted HIM. GOD BLESS you.

  3. Dear Ann,
    Thank you for today's post. It came at a very timely moment for me as I struggle with some personal issues. Handing them over to God allows me to deal with these things rationally, and also to realize how lucky I am to have such minor problems, compared to so many others.
    Peace to you.

  4. You are in my prayers as thanks for what your writing has meant and continues to mean in my life.We are all connected in such a mysterious way and all I can do is Praise!!!
