
Saturday, May 5

i was speaking to about 5,000.
maybe more.  all my books to sell
were right behind the auditorium on the
other side of the doors.  there was so
little space to work with for me.
shoving and pushing and a rather high-
pitched demand to get to me.  i felt the
surge of the group. i  didn't look up
for fear goliath would over-take me.
the lady helping with the books had
some agitated moans.
suddenly, a voice yelled out:
"who are you anyway?!  i think you
are a phony.  a really bad phony."
now, i looked up.
this young man's face was roaring red and
his body was literally pushing between others to
get as close as he could.
i became very quiet.
looking at this bitter man.
"i'm ann. and i sin every day..and
maybe along the way i make more mistakes
than i realize.  i need you.  all the help i can get
to help the world know Jesus.
will you please forgive me?  and pray for me?
i'm doing the best i can, but not close to perfect...."
this man's eyes bored into mine.
and i stood, unmoving,
suddenly. he slipped through the crowd.
all eyes remained on me.  appalled and offended
by this character.  but i wasn't.  if i'm doing what i
should for Jesus, not everyone is going to like me.
they surely didn't like Jesus.
the Lord is powerful and strong.
and worthy in all His ways, and
the weak and forsaken and broken
fly to Him for grace and Redemption.
put your running gear in place.
give the Lord all your afflictions, and
let's keep moving toward the celestial city
where Jesus and many others are waiting.
and the morning mist and afternoon heat
will teach us and guide us day after day after day.
still thinking of the loss of chuck colson.
one honorable pure warm and passionate
man of God.  pray for his family at this time.
love, ann


  1. A most Godly reply that I cannot even imagine being able to do.Wonderful example for all of us.Thank you.

  2. Ann, I remember the weekend you spent with us ladies up at Oakbridge Ramona, our women's retreat w/ Pastor Bryan's wife Cheryl Newberry. You were such a blessing to me and you prayed for me. I enjoy reading your blogs. We are all phoney's aren't we? If not for the cross we would all perish. Blessings, Sheila

  3. Please forgive my poor husband died recently and I found a quote that was a balm in Gilead to/for me...while we are saddened at his passing, others are rejoicing at his arrival. Dave, my husband, made his peace with God only days, less than a week, before he died. God gave us both that gift and, for me, it helps make Dave's death bearable.
    I'm sorry I cannot remember the exact quote nor who said it.

  4. So inspiring...even after all these years, your life inspires me, encourages me and uplifts me. Thank you woman of God, sister in Christ!
