
Saturday, May 12

"lonely voices crying in the city...
lonely voices sounding like a child..."

alone. utterly isolated.
no one to lean on.
to wrap their arms around.
people striding by; rushing .
absorbed in their own thoughts.
troubles. maybe angry.
maybe you?

"lonely voices...too alone to
stop a little while...."

"sir, can i help you with
the groceries?"

"little boy, do you want to play ball?"

"hey! do you want to talk?"

this is our world. spread far apart.
the sky of our longings so far above
us that we don't know how to stretch
our yearnings high enough to pour the
warm sun into our hearts.

i so want to love the world better.
to watch children laugh and play
ball and know everything is going to
be okay because Jesus CAN do that.
He can do ANYTHING!!!

i saw someone smile.
at ME! my whole world laughed
and i stood up. standing straight.
and tall and for the first time in a long
time, i really felt i was worth something.

ho, every branch that waves.
every time the sun warms our skins.
ho! "all you are yearning , come and
be glad..."


  1. BEAUTIFUL and convicting.


  2. I had a couple of cassette tapes of yours back in college. I was coming back to the Lord after a couple years of rebellion in high school. I listened to them all the time and had them on in my dorm room at Biola much of the time. I remember them so well you still impact my life! I love Jesus, I love His precious Word. Our 5 children love Him and are raising their children to know Him too. You are effecting 2 generations after me and prayfully many more :) I have such a heart for the lost and a heart for Christians who do not seek the Lord in His Word. I sing to people alot too....If you ever need a friend I am here for you, 559-375-2672. I just thought you needed to know how God used you back in 1976 and how He is still using you. I pray your heart is encouraged as you have encouraged me! I love you like as if I know you. Cindy Wild
