
Thursday, July 12

continued . . .

a hanky was placed over my nose, and
a strong arm across my back. then i felt
that clean, cold water wash over me.

"and I will give you a new heart...
and right desires...and put a new
spirit in you. I will take out your stony
hearts of sin and give you new hearts
of love. and I will put new hearts of
love within you so that you
will obey My laws, and
do whatever I command you."
ezekiel 36: 26-27

suddenly my head was lifted out of
the water..the world singing. hugs of
joy from everyone. i don't know why
i was crying, but i couldn't seem to
stop. nothing would ever be the same
again. the sins of my youth. the dreariness
of the past year. the weakness and im-
perfection of this piece of clay.

dietrick bonhoeffer said,
"cheap grace is grace we bestow upon
ourselves....grace without discipleship.
costly grace is the gospel that must be
sought again and again. the Door at
which one must knock. it is costly
because it cost a Man His life. and it
is grace."

exerpt from my book, "i gave God time."

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