
Monday, July 30

you haven't forgotten about moe have you?
the guy behind the counter of chevron where i
stopped for gas? out there somewhere i could
never find again. with the sad eyes and empty,
bitter heart?

that out of thin air, i turned to him
and asked him if he knew Jesus and
you would have thought i'd punched this
tough, older, body-builder in the gut. i mean
he reacted as if i'd slapped him across the face!

Jesus? God?!!!
no, he didn't believe in them
and NEVER would.

but after little songs,
and stories of how Jesus had
been faithful to me, and how
empty his life will continue being
if he doesn't know Jesus. and my
taking his hand and praying with him....
you haven't forgotten moe, have you?

because i'm counting on you to be praying for him.
counting on you to look and search for all the other
"moes" around you. to remember how broken we
are and how long broken people have been waiting
for us to come and help them to where Jesus is.
because no one else has. and if you do not under-
stand brokenness, well God will teach you. i've
lived with a piece of brokenness in me since i was
a very young child. and wounds hurt and love heals.
God's love. please don't forget. i need you to
help me in this tired, tilted, twisted world. and Jesus
is calling....calling...calling.


  1. Thanks for rememberin' all the moe's in your world. I'm joinin' in the prayers and testimonies to Jesus' love and acceptance.

    1. Thanks for sharing how you bring Jesus into the conversation with a stranger. And then actually pray with that person. My husband does this and has been ridiculed many times for it. I have questioned why people get so offended by his asking to pray with them...I have even thought that maybe he should not go out on a limb and do this. But your sharing has brought me back to where Jesus wants me to be: to support and pray with my husband and to do what he (and you) do in stepping out of my comfort zone and initiate prayer in the most unusual circumstances.

    2. 24 yr..old son told me yesterday that he was riding the bus, and shared with a lady and prayed with her. in the right moment, you'll be amazed what God can do. go for it, jane! love you, ann

  2. I will be praying and looking for the Moes's out there. Hope you're doing well and have a Blessed week Ann....One day at a time........Godspeed...............

  3. Thanks, Ann for helping us search with new eyes and hearts and the boldness we have as One of God's children to bring HIm to a hurting world. Amen.
