
Friday, August 24

i'm thinking that many of you are physically
fighting battles. knee problems or shoulder pain
or feet that hurt. maybe even cancer or multiple
sclerosis or blindness. jan has some crushed vertebrae
and she has agonized over the pain.

here i am.
so healthy that 15 minutes after my car flipped
three times, the paramedic said my vitals were
better than his on a normal day. but the force
that propelled my car was the same power that
kept me in my seat belt, and the severe bruising
of my sternum has been really difficult.

i've fought so hard for my sobriety
these years, and even though i took pain
medicine the emergency doctor sent home
with me, i know when it runs out, i'm finished.
there is no going back. i'm going to have to
suffer because this is not an injury that just
goes away quickly.

"I will restore to you health.....and
heal your wounds." jeremiah 30:7

flow, River, flow.
rush Your loving, healing spirit
through and around all our wounds.
physical and emotional. take our pain
and suffering to wean us from the world,
and help us bask only, completely in Your
love and grace.

for any of you who are suffering tonight, i hope
you feel my arm around you. that i am not in any
big hurry to finish this Race, so i'll walk or stumble along
beside you. we will find victory together. cross the
finish line, arm in arm.

i can hear the angels singing.
the breath of God soothing and healing us.
pain makes me want to flee, but the choirs call
us forward. deepen our roots. and we raise
our arms in adoration and worship. knowing
healing is taking place every hour of every day.
allelujah. amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how did you know? You reached across this wide open space called internet and touched my heart. At age 55, I was diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS in April. I feel your arms. I limp, drag and stumble through my days, insistent on making a difference...leaving a footprint of who I am and service to others.

    But I am in a hurry. I may be immobile in as few as 3-4 years, so I'm off as fast as I can to do the work Jesus calls me to do. Your words delight me. Often keeping in the back of my mind your's how you live your ordinary days....they matter. So I live out loud, all day. Every day.

    I will keep you in prayer for healing, and thankfulness for the arms that wrapped you up in love and delivered you from the accident. You are a gift to so many. We all send our love....
