
Monday, August 27

it is such a challenge to get my body
ready for another day. wash my face.
eat. brush my teeth. decide on what i'm
going to wear. brush my hair out. put on
some make-up. day after day and year after

are you a morning person?
oh, i wish i were. i have a friend who
gets out of bed at 4:30 a.m. every day,
and loves heading out of her driveway
at least by 8 a.m. .

if i had a job at the airport, and had to
open one of the shops at 5:30 a.m. every
day, i would rather go on to Heaven. when
i taught school for two years, fresh out of college,
i hated having to fly out of bed. always having to show up
very early. day after day after day. on the
week-ends, i would set my alarm real early so i
could just bask in the joy of turning it off and
going back to sleep.

the only years i consistently ran out my door
at 5:30 every morning were the days i was in my
peak marathoning. getting out of bed and just
pulling on my shorts was the hardest. i loved
running ten or more miles before much of the
world was even awake.

it is not something of small effort.
it takes determination and discipline and
fortitude to get through 24 hours a day.
especially when life is hard and our children
are struggling and our health is compromised
and some friend has hurt our feelings and we've
lost our jobs.

Jesus promises to keep us in perfect peace.
He tells us to cast our burdens on Him, and He will
sustain us. that our hearts must not be troubled or
afraid. we are not to worry about what we will eat or
drink because He is with us always.

"Lord, our souls are cast down. lift us up.
smooth our wrinkled, complicated lives, and
may we shine for You. may we remember that
living is ALL about YOU. and praise. thank you,
Jesus, for holding the whole world in Your hand."

1 comment:

  1. My knees cringe just thinking about running ten blocks, much less ten miles! My hat is off to you.
