
Friday, February 1

everything important costs
something. going from grade school to junior high. graduating
from high school. college. staying
married thirty years. forty. getting
through a ten-mile run. a 26.2 mile
marathon. caring for a parent with
dementia. a handicapped child.
being in good shape.

a cost to be paid. a sacrifice
poured out. the disheveled and
unkempt being loved.

to birth Hope in a ravaged world
demanded a Savior. deliverance and sweet freedom from ourselves
and all our sins was forged by a
crown of thorns and being nailed to
a Cross. Jesus did it for us. the
ultimate cost

"Jesus paid it all. all to Him
i owe. sin had left a crimson stain....
He washed it white as snow." an old hymn.

when my four birth mothers laid
their 24-hr. newborns in my arms,
they understood well what "cost" was all about.
I have yet to meet
a birth mother who didn't want her
baby. each one relinquishes her
baby because she loves the baby
so fiercely, and believes someone
else can love better than she.

as warriors, we must live with open
hands so that Jesus can put in or
take out of our
lives what He knows
is best. today, may we be sold out
to Jesus. all His. at any cost.
running with joy.

run, river, run.
and never give up even
if the currents are swift
and fierce. "the Lord is our
strength and shield..." ps.28

1 comment:

  1. Ann,
    I have followed your books and ministry since I was young. Your books on open adoption and your family have meant a great deal to me. My husband is a pastor, and we are the adoptive parents of 3 boys and 1 girl. Our boys' adoptions were private adoptions, and we were at the hospital when they were born. We became foster parents and adopted our daughter through fostering. She came to us when she was 3 1/2 years old. Our youngest son's birth mother was a drug addict and prostitute. I was able to see him born. He has autism, ADHD, developmental issues and severe behavior problems, but we love him completely, and are blessed to have him and our other children. I am caregiver to him 24/7 and church secretary (my office is in my home), and my husband works a second job to help with our insurance coverage. I would love to see you write a book that updates everyone on your family. I read your blog to catch up, but would love to know more about your family. You have been a blessing to me, and an inspiration. Thank you for being so open, and sharing your struggles. God bless you and all your family.
    Sylvia (North Carolina)
