
Friday, March 15

i think, over and over, about the
place on my blog/website about
people contributing to my
ministry. at first, i was horrified.
i had never asked anyone for
help. it sounded as if i was
taking advantage of others.

for me,
i had always used what money
i had from my books. my greeting
cards. speaking appearances.

this is such a stretch for me.
but i genuinely want you to know
that your generous giving has
given me so MANY opportunities
to help. the poor and single moms.
the broken. and I assure
you that i don't spend your money
on myself. i just so want to keep
Jesus alive. on the streets where
i live. and He always had a special
heart for the lonely and needy.
please forgive me for not expressing
more significantly what God can
be doing today.

another beautiful mother
of six helped me today.
to dr.'s for my ear infection.
the bank. every where.
i locked my car and house keys
in my house. taking her car with
gas on empty and the engine light

you filled her tank. and helped
provide a treat for the children.
to hear sarah's story would
leave you in awe and respect.
inspite of her great
in their car with four...and a fifth
on the way...she is victorious,
i loved every minute we shared.

please know you are stars in
the Kingdom.
and i am so ashamed that i have
not adequately thanked you each

changing the world.
building bridges instead of walls.
this is my passion for Jesus.
thank being a part.
with love and gratitude, ann

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