
Monday, April 29

i want to crawl over the wall,
and see what God has planned
for me and my children. i've lived
long enough to know His grace
will be sufficient. however.

i think i know why the orthopedist
talked jan and me into having both
feet fixed at the same time. one foot
is so painful that most people
would never go back a second time.
they are finally feeling better. i
know you all prayed. thank you.

spending night with brandt, jasmine and colben.
this little doll-baby
grandson is definitely in his 2's!!!
he climbs out of his baby bed, over
and over. i sang to him. told him
stories. kissed his beautiful face...but the last "nighty-night"
was at 11:15 p.m. and i heard his
sweet voice at 6 a.m. this morning.
i'm very tired.

the bumps of life.
the curve balls that knock us
off our feet; that shock us and
spin us around and leave us gasping for breath.

"in times like these, we need a times like these, we need
an Anchor. be very very
sure..your anchor holds, and
grips the solid Rock."

colben and ann
