
Monday, June 17

great news!!
brandt and jasmine were
able to get the apartment they
wanted.  a dear friend came
up with a brilliant idea, and
management went for it.

i miss them.
my little doll-baby, colben.
debra, a blog friend, allowed
brandt to stay with her and
her husband until the apartment
situation was resolved.
it meant so much!!

a year ago,
almost to this day,
there was a cookout next door.
i was invited..and met a
friend's handsome, twenty-plus
year old son.  we visited.  he
opened his heart to me.  very

i walked back to my little  
house.  hot. filled with good
food.  and as i shut the front
door behind me, i suddenly felt
i had to return to this young man
and tell him something.  like.a compelling force...God Himself...
guiding me.  telling me what i
must say.

fussing with 
God for a few moments....
this kid and i had already had
a long talk, and it seemed a little
foolish to return to the party after
i'd  given my good-byes.  i
spun around. opened  the door..
before i could talk myself out of
hearing God's voice.

"jason, Jesus spoke to me.
brought me back to you.  He
told me if you would completely
surrender your life to Him, He
will give you the desires of your

my eyes were damp with tears.
piercing earnestness met by
the same in his face.

"don't forget this, jason.
come by and i'll lead you to
Him.  the Lord."

tonight, i was invited to dinner
next door.  almost an exact year
later.  only six of us. jason was one of the six.   suddenly, 
in front of everyone, i reminded
him of that conversation.  he
countered with  things said that
i'd forgotten.   he said he would
be by this wednesday.  a serious,
gentle look on his face.

"come unto Me all ye who labor
and are heavy-laden..and I will
give you rest..."

all anxiety and burdens
laid in the dust of our own
agitation.  and we crawl into
the safe lap of God.  free.
free at last.  please pray!

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