
Sunday, July 21

a piece of meat lodged
in jan's throat. unconscious
for 7-10 minutes while tom
raced her to closest hospital.

food in lungs.
possible brain damage.
weeping. jan in icu. i was out
of town.  so scared. darkest
moment of my life.  10-12 minutes to
resuscitate her. ventilator.

the massive unknowns.
called my neighbor. her
husband is out of town.
we crawled in bed.  i held her
hand.  snuggled close.

children of  the Great I Am.   
how much better? cling to Him.

just running. weeping. trying to
keep the praise going.

fell flat on face. guest bedroom.
praising Him. my spirit dancing.
victory is my war cry. 
victory is my song.
please keep
praying. so gratefully. love, ann


  1. Dear daughter of heaven - praying for you and your dear sister. Know that He is so very close.

  2. I am praying Ann ... for you and for your sister right now.

  3. How frightening! Praying for you, Jan, and Tom.

  4. Oh dear Ann. I am a nurse who walks alongside helping and advocating for families in this situation. I can be in Sacto early evening tomorrow night or you may call me any hour day or night. 925-285-5717. Praying. Patti Bartholomew Heaps

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh Ann I am sorry to hear this! Prayers for you and Jan and Tom!!!

  7. Prayers going up right now. Please keep us posted.
