
Thursday, July 4

"i can see Jesus making miracles today"

i stood in the fenced-in
backyard...almost all my clothes
peeled off.  my dear friend...the
only one except jan who i'd trust
to be so exposed.  a can of tanning
spray in her hand.

very early, i am climbing onto
amtrak for monterey.  taylor is
doing a photo shoot for "seduced
by success."

i'm so crazy in love
with my sons.  i just don't
get excited about cameras
focused on me.

taylor wants the blue sky and
california pacific ocean to somehow
carry the beauty of God's deliverance in my life.
white flowing something 
to wear. wind in my hair.

oh, i want to fly.
to gather the lonely
and broken.  to
promise that Jesus IS
the Deliverer.  

please pray for taylor these
few days.  for me.
it's fun....but i just want
Jesus to be glorified.

i can see Jesus 
making miracles.
let's start today.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying! Have a great 4th of July and I'm so glad you'll be with Taylor. You will be fine with the pics. Be blessed! :)
