
Friday, September 27

thursday night.
two days since my surgery.
a beautiful, single mother
of six stopped by the
hospital. Jesus stops by just
when we can't make it any

He walks through the door.
sits in a chair. His Presence
through any humble servant
quiets the storm. i sobbed all
day. before wheeling me into
surgery at 5p.m., this doctor had
a sense of gaiety.

"remember, doctor, to align
my toes..."

"no! i'm doing one thing:
getting rid of your pain.."
none of my bones had fused
together. the fourth surgery in
less than a year, and he breaks
this news to me. i should
have pulled out the i.v.....and
run for my life.

please, please pray.
as terrified as i am, my eyes
are fixed on Jesus. i will not
be denied.

thank you for all your prayers.
oh, bless you. everyone who
prays. who posts notes. who
contributes to my ministry...
you feed my joy...and cause me
to dance in the darkness.

i'm hanging on to every
thread and button of Christ's
robe. mulling God's Word
around in my brain and spirit.
we WILL overcome.
oh, yes.. we will overcome.
yes, we will!

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