
Wednesday, October 16

good days.
happy, roll-in-the grass
moments. laughing hard.
my memory bank of fun so as
dark clouds lazily crawl in,
my joy cannot be quenched.

last night,
carefully, i was trying
to maneuver my walker into
the living room. one accessible
leg...both arms occupied, guiding
the walker...and a health-shake tongue twisted
around one lip, i suddenly started
to lose the shake as it was 
slipping out of my fingers.

i was batting the air to grab the
glass when my feet flew under
the walker, and i crashed with
such force that i knew my tailbone
was crushed...and glass shattered.
i can barely sit down today.

the other side of dance and morning sun is darkness.  
a pain that pinches our joy....and steals
our contentment. life hands us
some of both. sometimes,
hand in hand. i'm not keen on pain.
it even scares me. but it keeps
my backbone straight and my
heart tender and kind. and Jesus
is busy, day and night, sewing
the holes of resentment back together 
"where moth and rust
cannot corrupt...and thieves
cannot break through and steal..."

don't throw away the magnificent
with the dark and heavy. it takes
both roads to reach the summit...
and celebrate the New Jerusalem.


  1. Hi Ann

    I heard about you while listening to a podcast by William Lane Craig. He told about how your work was so powerful and effective. I'm grateful for your work.

