
Wednesday, October 23

amazing, unexpected.
surprises. the impossible
breaking into melting, beautiful

reaching for the sky.
tapping the sparkling
stars. events sprouting wonders only
the giant God of the universe
can weave in and around
what feels terrifying and

jan has been hospitalized
for a week. crushed vertebrae
in her spine. excruciating pain.
surgery scheduled for last
night. part of her cancer affects
her bones. a bone, when it breaks,
usually bends away from the spine.
jan's did the opposite, and
punctured a hole into the fluid of
the backbone. if the surgery wasn't
perfectly executed, jan could be
paralyzed the rest of her life.

neither of us does well with pain.
we each fell asleep, crying. 
pleading for miracles....for each
other. my leg with a cast; multiple
fractures in my back. and jan
facing serious possibilities.

each day,
jan injects herself with a
form of blood thinner. for years,
she's struggled with blood clots.
yesterday morning, with nurses
not thinking, she had that
injection. if the specialist
hadn't suddenly caught that
on jan's chart, she would have
had a serious bleed during surgery,
and been paralyzed the rest
of her life.

"and we know that all things
work together for good to them
who love God; who are called
according to His purposes...."
romans 8:28

yes...oh,  yes...
isn't the love of God
magnificent! amazing!
something majestic!
clap your hands. dance
and skip and bow. the vast
love of God, amazing.

tuck your fears away.
trust in the never-failing
faithfulness of the living,
the awesome Redeemer.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I read that verse, and I do, often, I remember that it was one of the verses you and Will used in your wedding bands. In ALL things He works for good. May you both have restful, peaceful healing, secure in God's love.
