
Monday, October 28

sunrise is coming ...
for you and for me.."

dry air after dripping humidity.
a rainbow arched across a sky. 
multicolored promises of fresh
hope after howling storms of
doubt and fear and full-blown
failure. loss and regifting.  
something we truly loved, and taken....then given back.
from blind to sight.
ravaged pain to healing promises
for smiling tomorrows.
everything is an equation.
however shattering equated to
how lifting and shining at opposite end.

"isn't the love of Jesus
something wonderful?
wonderful, wonderful He is
to me!"

oh I long for all of
You. more!!!!
another monday.
new week. new month.
a cast like mine soon
removed. pain because my
foot is twisting inside.

"to be like Jesus....
to be like Jesus...
that is be like Him".

let's see what coffee or
tea or lemonade of the
heart can do for us in our
journey with Jesus today .....
this week.

"trust in the Lord
with all your heart...
and lean not on thine
own understanding.
in all thy ways acknowledge
Him...and He will direct thy paths."


  1. Today, it has been 2 years since my godly mother went to be with Jesus. Her life verse was Prov 3:5 &6. It is amazing how this verse pops up at the times I miss her the most. I wasn't always the best or most loving daughter, but I finished strong . . .and it was good. . .
