
Thursday, November 14

God seems to weave us 
in and out and through the  
winds and rain and breaking
temperatures and into snow
banks. He puts a halt to many
of our dreams...and, in barren
places where we cannot, no matter
how far we look, hear music. see
flags waving or people laughing.

all we hold dear.
what we love and treasure.
self-imposed beliefs that
if only i were married...or we lived
in a beautiful house or became
prominent in our careers.

storms shut out the sun.
erase the laughter.
strip us of 
our puffed-up egos....
peel away all the layers
of superficiality.

i am in a storm.
most of us are.
it's painful.
every day,
God's Word reminds me
to praise the Lord. thank Him.
trust and obey. but it's difficult.

the  neighbor across the street
brings me my mail every day.
"i'm coming..." i call out,
as i put on my boot and hobble
to the door. and, every day, 
usually with no make-up on and
hair pulled back in a ponytail,
my face is covered with tears.

he studies my face.
makes small talk as if he
doesn't notice.

i've lived long enough
to know the sun always
shines again. He raises
beauty out of ashes. and
absolutely nothing molds
us and makes us more like
Him than suffering.
stand strong, weary warriors

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