
Thursday, January 23

12:09 a.m.

to all you beautiful friends
and fellow warriors....

thank you for your posts. all
the prayers mean the world to

i'm so ill i can barely write, but i
love you. and Jesus is the lover
and warrior of my life. freedom
and delivery from enslavement
come with a cost. i'm running
to win...!  never give up in the
middle of your battles. forever
with gratitude and love..ann

6:30 p.m.

keep running the race.
the race is sometimes
extremely rugged
and, at times, we think impossible.
so, be strong and join me as we
run for the goal of arriving at the celestial city
where there will be no suffering and pain.

i love you.  your prayers mean everything.
God is with me.


  1. We love you Ann. We're praying for you.

  2. Trust in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desire. Praying for you! Theresa

  3. Your struggle will be your strength. Hang in there girl-you and God got this...running to win. XOXOXOXOXOXO

  4. Still praying for you. You were my encourager many years ago when I was a teen reading your books. You know God has you. You are a strong woman. One day at a time. One race at a time. Run to win.

  5. Hi Ann..I know right now your road seems long and unbearable but it is in your weakness that Christ is made strong. HE is the author and finisher of your faith and He knows your weaknesses and strengths. He wants you to climb into His lap and just let Him love you. We love you and continue to pray. Kat and Stephen

  6. We love you Ann and we are praying for you.

  7. Get well soon, Ann: your grandson needs you! :)
