
Monday, January 6

"make the road smooth and straight.
baptized into a changed life.
serve Him with absolute single-heartedness."
matthew 3 and 4

gave me so many
opportunities to serve Jesus.
to speak His Name. sing little
songs. the opportunities to take
people's hands and clasp them to
the heart of God. and
twist my life into a shattered 
pile of brokenness i never
realized Jesus would want to 
hand me so my life for Him would
have more depth in this Race.

i'm in the process of getting off
pain pills...after 8mos. of foot
surgery. so alone. so scared.
i dressed for church. slipped
next to friends. and suddenly
found tears streaming down my
face that i couldn't control.

it's my first assignment of 2014.
no delay. get  the job done. no
stalling. so all alone. can't afford
a detox place. trust me. one needs
support and medical assistance.
not everyone has to do this. but
i do. i heard His still, small Voice.

oh, i love this:

"you are BLESSED when you are
at the end of your rope. with less of 
you, there is more of God and His 
rule."  mathew 3...the Message

let's rally. pray. call out..for each
other. this is a serious, glorious
business we have set our hearts and
minds to. i don't want to drag my
feet. THIS is the year of victory.
marching forward. the Lord's
business to accomplish.

"yes, Lord.
yes, Lord.
yes, Lord."

p.s. i miss my children.
Christmas was so fun. 
and thrilling. i pray yours
was just as special. now,
back with the calvary.


  1. Hi Ann..after my back surgery last Feb. the vicodin wasn't working too well so after awhile the doc wanted to put me on Fentanyl patches. I tried a few but after two days they wore off so the doc wanted to put me on a higher dose so it was at that point i decided to get off the pain pills. I had taken them for almost two years and i finally said"no more". I made it through because of Jesus and no other way. I know HE will help you. Because if HE brought you to it, HE will bring you through it"! He delivered me from drinking after 14 years so i know the our God can do it, and will do it! Trust and obey cuz there's no other way to be happy in Jesus,but, to trust and obey. We love you Ann.......... :-)

  2. Your courage is the last thing I will think of this night.Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow,praise Him all creatures here below...I see His hand on your precious head......praise Father,Son and Holy Ghost.........with love...Sharon

  3. I will keep you in my prayers during this hard time. I know you doubted maybe a little having written about you and really helped me. I am now in the midst of separating from my husband, something I never expected to do. Jesus has shown me repeatedly that He is with all of us and that this is needed right now, really needed. Thank you for your honesty and encouraging words. Prayers for your soon recovery Ann!! You are loved and never alone!!!
