
Monday, April 23

chuck colson died over the week-end.
he was in president nixon's inner circle,
and went to prison for several years.
he found Jesus, and started what is, today, a
giant ministry in prisons.
will and i named our 3rd-born son 'colson'
after this great  an.  chuck wrote to colson multiple times,
and we discovered that we each had been named
for two daughters in an alabama family.  four children
who are accomplished violinists.  kiemel and kolson.
first names.  chuck and i loved that.
in a blink, Jesus called.
and chuck stepped from earth right into Heaven.
as if he was taking a walk in the park. 
or was asleep, and awakened in the arms of God.
he doesn't have to shave anymore.  or take vitamins.
or attend dinners that he wished he could just stay
home instead.  God gave chuck a window of HOW fallen
the world  is.  he lived in the cesspool of hollow and
evil and dark the world really is.  and Jesus knew He
could count on chuck to change his world when he
was released.  and change the world he did!! 
years ago,
he would ask me to speak at different
prisons.  that experience of time and time again,
standing and looking into all the faces that Jesus
truly loved and gave His life for are moments i'll
always treasure.    i was much younger, and the all-male
prisoners would start trying to distract me because
they didn't see women very often.  but my message
was pure.   i knew God's love was real; His salvation
able to cleanse  any and all.  i didn't smile.  i was
simple..  one woman with a giant God and the BLood
of Jesus that can deliver ANY and all.  and each time,
Jesus would quietly slip into the large rooms.  and it was
as if i could physically see Him touching one...and another...
and another.
of all the Christian leaders in the world, there was
NONE who encouraged me more.  who was ALWAYS
a faithful friend..  and utterly believed in me.  always.
and when he spoke publicly, i was spell-bound.  a servant
after God's own heart.  chuck colson....i am REALLY going to
miss you.  and i know that the millions you have impacted
will continue with his message and love.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the heroes of our faith who helped me find Christ years ago:Chuck Colson(Born Again),C.S.Lewis,(Mere Christianity),Thomas Merton(Seven Story Mountain),William Blake,Henri Nouwen,Annie Dillard and Ann Kiemel.

    May Charles Colson rest in His arms and thanks be to God for all of these ...
