
Sunday, May 27

the day of chuck's service,
the sky was magnificently painting
slabs of wide blue over our heads.
it was the morning choir reminding all
of us that God was alive and ready for
the day.

the cathedral was magnificent.
chiselled like crosses.  pristine
in its design.  i was seated nearly on
the platform because i was with ann.
the pipe organ burst into music.  some
of my very favorite old hymns like
"Great is Thy Faithfulness".

eulogies by two daughters.
both well-done.
i had to suck up my emotions
because everyone else was in a wild,
celebratory joy that chuck now had
Heaven to embrace.

had only minutes to speak to cal
thomas.  does  your newspaper carry
his column?  they should.  seconds,
literally, to say "hi" to my dear friend,
wes pippert.  there was a private reception
that ann and i completely missed because
the concierge took my bag and put it in
the wrong car, and their bag in ours.

we raced back to georgetown inn.  got
it corrected, but by then the private
reception was over. great for us.
was spending a few minutes, alone, with
patty, chuck's wife.

evening came. the sky turning dark blue
as it folded its hands and turned morning

the wind is kicking up again.  i hear an owl.
dry leaves everywhere.  and i paid homage
to the great man we named colson after.
not an easy trip.  but life will never dress-up
in 'easy'.  now, it's time to keep the journey
of my soul and hang on to my children's dreams
and do the laundry.  


  1. Your writing always leaves my insides with a sense of peace...
    I met Chuck a long time ago when I was in high school...just about the same time I met you for the first time. I was chosen to be one of about 20 students to meet with him and Harold Hughes. I loved his heart and how all he really wanted to talk about was Jesus. Plenty of reporters there to get the scoop on his earlier scandal. He graciously answered questions...but lit up when anyone would ask about his new found faith.
    So glad he is in heaven with his Savior...
    Thanks, Ann...for what you write. You are my bit of home... Love you.

  2. Thanks for sharing Ann. I spent three years weekly sharing bible study with inmates at Lansing prison in Kansas as a part of Prison Fellowship. Whenever I think of Chuck I think of those guys who ministered to me more than I ministered to them.

    Glad you are getting back on your feet Ann.

    Blessings, Bob
