
Monday, July 9

do you want to count where you live?
do you long for an opportunity to be a
FORCE for Jesus? right where you live?

i know this is what God longs for.
loving the world to Him.

"remain at your post and do your duty...
for the glory of God and His kingdom."
chuck colson

salute Jesus.
everywhere you go.
shout the GOOD news.

Jesus lives.
He reigns.
no sin too great that
He will not forgive and redeem.
the sun rises and sometimes fades
to a darkness so deep
that the soul is in travail
and doubt and fear take over.

keep your eyes on Him.
don't try to fix things. just
worship the Savior of the world.
and put Him in charge of the darkness.

listen to the choir. jump in and join
the music. don't sway to the right or left.
remain where God puts you. don't run and
try to fix everything. our duty, above all else,
is to worship Him. to help those who stumble
by; lost and wounded by life. and they won't
make it without someone loving them.

love in small ways. speak about Jesus.
of all He has and can do. cookies on a plate.
playing ball with a child. hugging someone
who feels so alone. sing something simple,
but in earnest. take bold strides. be fearless....i

believe you can. and i can. and it may look
silly and crazy, but God and the world won't
think so if it all is done for His glory and He
guides us.


  1. love the Colson quote especially in this time of uncertainty.

  2. amen!! you've always inspired me, ann! :)
