
Tuesday, January 1

and power and love
and honor to JESUS Who
is and was and forever will be.

to each of you who
loves me and prays for
me and has given to my
children and me on every/any
level. all of it is felt and embraced
with such gratitude and love.

to the Holy One.
for loving us in and through
all the battles of the past year.
all the waters crossed. all the
sins forgiven. for all the choirs
singing while we have sludged
through muddy waters, and stood
on trembling legs...fighting the
evil one who has tried to kill and
destroy us. but the battles were
the Lord's. we remain on His side.

fight on, fellow warriors.
fight on. when I fall, I know you
will pull me back to my feet. and
when you call, I am listening. my
arms are out-stretched.

oh, blessings, to the One Who
has brought us together. joined
our spirits. planted shared dreams
in our hearts...and taught us how
to run. I pray power to the weak;
the slow of pace. I pray not only
for my children, but yours. that
we will never glory in ourselves.
never, Lord, never.

but keep running to win.
running to overcome.
all for You, Lord.
all for You.

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