
Monday, September 9

the close
of another

the glorious reality
of a wide-spanned sky, 
september warmth
that peals forth the reminder that
from the first week of human 
creation, God set aside a sacred
day to celebrate, forever, that
He lives and reigns and changes

"isn't He wonderful? wonderful...
wonderful...isn't Jesus, our Lord,
wonderful?!  eyes have seen.
ears have heard. it's recorded
in God's Word...isn't Jesus, our
Lord, wonderful?!"  (old chorus)

i stick pictures of my children
in so you have visuals of them. and
can help me pray for them.  i
wish you could know brock.  you
would treasure him. has two,
full-time jobs...and can play a
mean bass.  i know he's into
punk music.  has a nose piercing,
wears pale eyeliner...and loves
tattoos, like his girlfriend.  i
really pray over these things,
but God keeps reminding me
of his beautiful heart.

and time.
that sometimes,
it takes a lot of years for
all of us to grow.  especially for
me to truly care about the things
that REALLY matter to
my children.  not where brock
is...but where God is taking him.

weeks are just flying by.
too fast.  i'm getting older
with every breath.  today, i
wept...and talked to Jesus
about the yearning i've always
had to be more like Him.

more like Him....
tomorrow...than i was today.
for people to feel so much more
significant after we've passed
each other in the grocery store.....
than before.
that demands that i think a lot
less about me, and much more
about others.  i think it sounds
much simpler than it really is.

brave warriors.
we are running against
the wind.  there are times
i just want to quit.  but....

give up? 
you and Jesus and i and love.
one moment at a time.
this is our goal. our song.  
the hard, cold music of
victory at any cost. the battle
cry for God's love in a very
broken world.  push on.
push on.

brock and kristi


  1. That's what I want too. . .oh, to be like Him, oh to be like Him. . .Precious redeemer, Savior & Friend."

  2. Thank you for posting a pic of Brock and his girlfriend, reminder that not every Christian looks the same and all people have worth... no matter how they look!
