
Friday, November 1

november 1, 2013

colson called.
he has two jobs now.
he never has difficulty
getting work. today, he
sells paintings at the bush
library. often sells more on
a given day than anyone else.

he was hired at walmart
three weeks ago, and notified
already of a promotion in the
managerial area.. my prayer,
above all, is for colson to
lean hard on Jesus when the
going gets tough...and to
manage his life and
money...wisely. he keeps
working at these hard tasks
of keeping things going. sort 
of like me on many given days.

mornings, as you know,
are my demise....but it is
one of those areas that i have
to keep punching my way

today starts a new month.
yesterday, i awakened with
tears on my face. i'm going
through some very tough
things. some wrenching
losses. are you? 

we have to keep the
wheels of God's marvelous
grace rolling. and...

"tell it to Jesus. tell it to Jesus...
are you weary? heavy-hearted?
tell it to Jesus alone."

colson and i got disconnected,
phone wise. found each other

"mom, i'm always thinking
of how i ran from my troubled
marriage. and i made a vow
before God that i would protect 
my wife until death. well,
she's back on the streets again,
and it may be a futile effort,
but i just want to be faithful to
what i promised God."

a second chance.
one. see what Jesus
can do with that .

just a thought for all of us.
as we approach thanksgiving
and Christmas...and a new year,
watch what Jesus is doing.
stay close to His side. please run with me.  
let's try to hold each
other up. be busy with the
vows we've made to God.....
and grow in the sunlight of
God's enormous, vast grace.

you can count on me
to do my best at your side.

p.s. jan is having back surgery
today. it's 5am. i've just spoken
to her. appreciate your prayers.

             colben, my babydoll grandson

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you, Colson,Jan, and all the rest! Life chews us up and spits us out. Only by the Grace of God go we. I can relate on a lot of things you wrote. We just gotta keep on keeping on. Pray for me...........i'm in a huge mess and really wanted to be with my oldest son on Christmas. I promised and now it doesn't seem possible,but, nothing is impossible with God, right? Take care of yourself..................... I had back surgery and it is still healing....................been 8 you blessed............
