
Monday, August 31

"Jesus loves the little children.
all the children of the world.
red and yellow black and white.
all are precious in his sight.
Jesus loves the little children
of the world"

i love color. brilliant hues.
shades. layers of yellows and
violets and browns.
pink brick. sometimes, vanilla.
a wide, clean,
white. olive.

black offers something nothing else
can. gleaming, muscular athletes.
glistening sweat. and who can sing
like a black choir? or do jazz and the
blues with the soul of black musicians
who know pain like none others?!

i grew up in hawaii.
how come i had to be
tall. skinny. and WHITE?!

in the islands,
everyone was dark.
samoan. hawaiian. asian.
shimmering under the glowing
sun. color was God's idea!

quiet. listen.
my FAVORITE color
is LOVE. i've often
told my children the color
of one's skin means NOTHING
to me. put your finger in a paint
can. do a mural.
does the canvas show kindness?
the breeze in the sway of life? Jesus
with His arms extended? a child
on His lap? the sound of giggles?

my youngest son, brandt,
got married last week. oh,
he will be such a good husband
because he has loved me in such
beautiful ways. amazing son!

his wife?
jasmine. her name fits her.
fragrant. authentic. beautiful.
she is bi-racial.
african-american mother.
caucasion father.

if the color of their lives is LOVE,
their future is bright. jasmine
was taught that the mother
ALWAYS sits in the front seat.
a sign of honor. the color of love.
already at work.

i've always liked brandt's tastes,
in clothes. in his intuitive kindness,
and i like his taste in a wife.

congratulations, brandt and jasmine.
keep Jesus at the dinner table.
don't leave Him out of your prayers.
may the color of love reign as you
build your lives together.

the color of one's skin
is absolutely inconsequintial
to the victories of clean, pure,
love. may the color of love reign!


  1. Dear Ann,
    You have been an inspiration to me since I was a young girl... my dad was a pastor, I was struggling to live up to what I thought I should be and your words encouraged me and gave me strength... I have made lots of mistakes on my way to today, but God has been faithful... I am now 46 years old and so glad to have found you again... Thank you for being who God has called you to be... Your words today made me smile... I am blessed to be married now for 21 years to a beautiful (inside and out) black man... we have 4 brown skinned girls who know that the color of their lives is love...
    God bless you, Ann... I know He does!

  2. Dear Ann,

    It's Danae. :) Congratulations on getting a new daughter-in-law! How exciting. :) I love you, Ann! I hope your day is glistening with Him. :)

    Love, Danae C.

  3. Thank you for sharing so beautifully the ebb and flow of true colors.

  4. Jasmine. I like that name :)
    Congratulations to you both,brandt and jasmine.

    he will be such a good husband
    because he has loved me in such
    beautiful ways."

    "i've always liked brandt's tastes,
    in clothes. in his intuitive kindness,
    and i like his taste in a wife."

    Much happiness, peace, joy and love to you both!
