
Friday, September 11

taste and see.
watch and wait.
pour love out to all
who pass your way.
you and Jesus and i and love.
the fruit of labored lives.

a child..joseph.
that.. i took with me,
and 11 other children
from the poor areas of boston..
to israel to run my very first
marathon found me on facebook.

he was 7, 8, 10.
earnest. vulnerable. precious.
beautiful. full of mischief.
i wrapped him in all the love
and warmth and strength of
God's love that i could.

now, 42. married with two
children. and tomorrow, he
is flying me to boston to spend
the week-end with him and his

melted heart.
joy for the season.
rainbows across the sky
of broken lives everywhere.
the fruit of my pure love for
this little boy. my yearning
for Jesus to transform him.

miracles DO live.
serving Jesus DOES pay.
feel the warmth of earth under
your feet. the awe of a clean, early
morning. the touch of air against your
skin. and decide to allow God to
plant more dreams in you. and see
each one who passes by as His beautiful

pray for me as i go.
for joseph and his little
with much love,


  1. Ann I am so excited for you---have fun!!! Full Circle. Smile.

  2. Blessings. May His graces follow you, proceed you, and fill all that you are allowed to touch this weekend. May divine connections happen for you and Joseph and his family in Jesus name.

  3. Your words have minstered to me for years. LOVE YOU, Blessings.

  4. Ann,
    I just heard the end of one of your messages about adoption and miscarriages on Moody radio tonight. I must tell you, it was an answer to pray - after five years: being told we couldn't get pregnant, miraculously getting pregnant, miscarrying, surgeries, and an unsuccessful domestic adoption, we are awaiting a referral for siblings from Ethiopia. I had asked God this morning for encouragement and just happened to turn the radio on tonight. "You watch. You wait. You'll see." God used you tonight my sister in Christ!
    In His Love,

  5. Wonderful! Many blessings~

  6. Ann,

    My sister (friend) just sent me a link to an old recording of yours from the 80's I think. God is good. Thank you for your spirit and example. I am in a ministry that travels around speaking and doing drama etc. My husband and I have been expecting to expect for about 8 years now. It has been, and continues to be a hard road for us. God continues to bring us HOPE as He leads us closer to Him. I wanted to share some of my struggle with you, and thank you for all you have endured. You are a true example of a Woman after God's own heart.

    My hope story:

    I know you must be busy, I would love to share more of my story with you. God bless.

  7. Oh Ann...Joy unspeakable and full of glory! How I have prayed for you all these years...and followed from afar. Now this glorious reunion with your Joseph. You were at our wedding. 38 years ago. Young Professionals at 1st Nazarene in Long Beach, and you were the most incredible Youth Minister ever, remember Pat Boone? Carl and Pam Houston...(I am the cousin of Betty Johnson). God has had me on prayer assignment for you all down through the years and tears, cheering you and your Big God on! He's mine too, and we still love and serve Him today. Now, we are Grandparents, our only son and daughter in love have given us 3 beautiful princesses. We still live here in So. Cal...and love you so, from afar. Love finds a way...

  8. Ahhh, taste and see that HE is good!
