
Tuesday, December 11

i can hear Jesus say...'thy strength
indeed is small. child of weakness,
come and pray. find in Me Thine all
in all..'

for five days, jan and my collaborator
and i have worked on the proposal
of my latest book. speaking about the
heart of God. of all the deep holes
my children and i have fallen into. and
God's vast and extraordinary mercy.
His strong arms reaching out to us.
pumping love into the knotted sinew
of all our failures and broken desperations.

colson called.
"mom!! guess what brandt did for me
hmmmm. "i don't know, darling."
"he tried to call and found my phone
was disconnected until pay day, so he
paid my entire bill.. we had a great

brothers loving and helping each other.
friends doing the same.
"Jesus paid it all. all to Him i owe.
sin had left its crimson stain.
He washed me white as snow."

scrub all the nasty, little corners of
fear and resentment out of our lives.
clean away the dirt so we can shine
for You, Lord...and hear the lapping of
fresh hope as it rolls ashore with Your
sweet scent of forgiveness.
the rhythm of joy. steady and sweet.
come, Jesus, come.

1 comment:

  1. A dozen authors whom I deeply respect and why:

    1. Ann Kiemel Anderson - My first exposure to Christian writing that was truly "alive."
    2. C.S. Lewis - clarity of Christianity
    3. Oswald Chambers - Focus on our relationship with Jesus Himself
    4. Henri Nouwen - The value of the inner life and journey
    5. John Maxewll - Practical Christian leadership
    6&7. Robert Fulgham and Philip Yancey - Their actual writing styles
    8. Bennan Manning - Embrace of the messiness of spirituality
    9&10. Andrew Farley and Bob George - the risky truth of boundless grace.
    11. Jan Karon - for modeling the format of the book I would like to write.
    12. Julia Cameron - The joy of and practical tips on writing.
