
Thursday, December 13

i want to write an inspiring blog.
to lift each of you beyond the mundane
and laborious and compromised
muck and mess of secularized Christmas.

but it is one p.m....and i am still in my
nightgown. mail to cover. lonely for
colben. my 12-step mtg. tonight.
my eyes allergic to something. could
not sleep all night for some reason.
this paragraph makes me sound like
a cry-baby. it can block your sun-lit
hope in Jesus even more than commercialism.

i run to the ONLY Rock that weaves
peace into this bumpy journey called
life. God's beautiful words.

"fight the good fight of faith. not in
any way terrified by your adversaries."
philippians 1

"strengthen the weak hands and make
firm the feeble knees. say to those who are fearful-hearted,
'be not fear!'" isaiah 35

i continue to read your beautiful
words to me. to see you on facebook...some long-time,
dear friends. others of you new in my life.
and i pray over you. and love you.

"and we will worship...worship....
forever in the presence of the King..."
10,000 reasons


  1. That holy paradox, that in our weakness He's made strong is true in me daily. I think He cherishes you, me, all of us in these moments of weakness when all we can do is run to Him, arms open, straight to our Daddy's heart.

  2. Your tender words add to the joy of this day.You and Isaiah.Thank you.
