
Sunday, March 9

Ran across this quote embedded in one of Ann's first blog posts.
everything must balance.
if i want to love deeply,
i should expect to suffer deeply.
this means i more or less choose
for myself what i want to put in
and take out of life. nothing great
or noble comes cheaply.
We all thank God for Ann and the legacy she left us.

Please continue to pray for Ann's family as they mourn her loss.


  1. Exactly dear Ann. You lived the abundant life and showed us all that God promises to us in scripture. All will be well, all matter of things will be well.

  2. Ann's words are soooo true! What a strong enduring legacy of encouragement she has left behind. I think there should have been thousands at Ann's memorial service! She touched so many lives, including mine. I was so glad to be able to watch via livestream from Bear Creek Church yesterday. I feel like I have lost a dear friend. I am praying for her family. Ann finished her long, painful race and arrived home. She was an inspiration not only in her good times, but also by sharing her bad times. Her works will continue here on earth through her wonderful writings, which I hope many people will read.

  3. I also hope Ann's blog will be left up. It would be nice if Ann's followers could know how the boys and Jan are doing. We continue to lift them up in prayer.

  4. I wonder if anyone has thought to turn entries from this blog into a book - Ann's last chapter. There is powerful wisdom written here. I would buy it!

  5. Ann was a wonderful lady, her soft gentle spirit touched my heart. I never knew her relationship with God, yet, her actions spoke volume....
