"fresh as
the morning.
as sure as the sunrise .."
lamentations 3
my youngest son, brandt, has
been in the air force six years.
a firefighter. married to jasmine,
my beautiful daughter-in-law.
and colben. you know. my doll-baby grandson.
brandt is done may 1.
desperate to get a job lined up. to
take good care of his family.
a sold-out firefighter. the passion
rides deep in brandt's subconscious.
like me as a runner.
brandt has paid his dues.
nothing has seemed to open.
it is one of the toughest careers
to get into. so, he was in the
hiring process to be a firefighter
in the marshall islsnds. australia.
jasmine, ann, brandt, colben |
contract a year. with a month's
vacation. jasmine would move to
pittsburgh by family. i was heartsick.
it might pay a lot of money, but would he have his little
family when he got home?
Easter Sunday they were here ...
along with taylor. i could not
be subdued in my concerns...
and tears running everywhere.
brandt had seen, on a website, a
position for a firefighter in harrisburg, pa...
he had all the
qualifications required. was at the
top at beale air force base. he
was shaking with excitement so
jasmine filled out the application.
faxed it in, but realized that 1600
others had applied. he didn't believe he had a chance.
some would have their emt's. something
he hadn't had a chance to earn yet.
colben...maybe gets his daddy every night in harrisburg instead of skyping from australia. please pray with us. |
a text message.
"mom, please call."
brandt was notified of a phone interview today.
not for marshall islands, but harrisburg, pa.!!!!
last night, i pulled boots over sore
feet and went to prayer class. get
the prayers praying, and i did.
interviewed by three. the firechief
and two others. brandt didn't
want to get his hopes up. still seemed impossible,
i want them to meet him, eye to eye.
tall and clear-eyed and well-mannered and respectful.
brandt is a prize. the sweetest and finest.
in top ten finalists out of 1600-plus
it would be one of the greatest
miracles of my life if he gets the job.
seemingly impossible? that's
what miracles are made of. stuff
ONLY Jesus can do. and i will never
get over it. brandt seeing for himself that God really cares about
"fresh as the morning..
as sure as the sunrise..."
this is what Jesus is for us.