
Tuesday, May 14

"i want to drink God. i'm 
thirsty for God-alive......
as the deer panteth for the
water,  so my soul longeth
after You.  You alone are
my heart's desire.... and i
long to worship You..."
psalm 42

so many nights,
lying in the  dark....
i pray this prayer.
tears welling under my
eye lids. soul yearning.

i've lived long enough
to know there is ALWAYS
a way out.  of anything.
i have personally seen God
lift me out of massive difficulty.
NEVER once abandoning me.
nor coming up with some flimsy,
wobbly solution.

it often takes Him some time.
a lot of loose ends to pull
together.  re-situate us.
straighten the wrinkles of
old habits and thoughts.

beautiful joseph, in genesis,
was tossed into the dregs of
jail for 11 years.  never knowing
God was preparing him to become
the second most powerful man
in the world. second only to
pharoah.  for all joseph knew,
his life was over. finished. and i
don't think there was a great
crowd of witnesses patting him
on the back.

God takes us as we are.
He always has a plan.
if we hang on. never give up.....
the breeze begins to stir.
the wind picks up. and the
sound of marching boots
is heard  in the background.
another miracle is rolling in.
get ready!

taylor's birthday is thurs.
28yrs. old.  and saturday is
commencement from cal. state/
monterey bay. degree in film.
some family and friends flying
in.  robin, his birth mom, is one.

just as the Lord got this new
job for brandt in harrisburg, so
we are crying out for taylor.
listening for the winds of God,
announcing his new job.  he has
a great part-time employment,
and he is quietly watching and

rivers flow
and oceans pound
and we hunger for His
will.  He's working in your
behalf.  you betcha He is.
listen for the stir of wind.
His drop off
the miracle u need.

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