
Thursday, May 16

everyone heads to
monterey, ca.
celebration begins.
taylor's birthday.
and graduation.

and i'm sitting in the
beauty shop to have my
hair highlighted. smile. and
getting a tan this afternoon.
a big fuss, but i think life
is a celebration.

would you please pray for
our time i pray
for your days, too? and may we
never forget to remember that
in the twists and turns of living,
we must hold on to joy.....and
laughter thrown in along the way.

""oh, Lord,
i know the way of man
is not in himself; it is not
in man who walks to direct
His own steps."

"commit your works to the Lord,
and your thoughts will be established..."

"He will be our guide
even to death...."

find something
that tickles you today.
something to smile about.
life is too short not to.
i love you.

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