good news.
faithful God. your many
jan's white count is up.
much higher. pneumonia
is gone. no more collapsed
lung. i love living 45 minutes
away. thank you for being
warriors in our lives!!!
my foot?
"set your mind on things
above. not on things on the
earth." col.3:2
i ask you to forgive me for
being shy and hesitant when
my friend told the doctor at
urgent care that i was a writer.
this doctor was so impressed
it overwhelmed me. BUT...
the next day,
there was a serious incident.there.
someone died. police locked everything down...and this lovely
doctor had both wrists wrapped.
when sarah and i went in.
this petite, human physician looked
at me and, with tears in her eyes,
"i really need your prayers. it
was a bad day yesterday."
if sarah hadn't proudly said
i was a writer, i could not have
had such an open door to speak
earnestly about the glorious
Savior of the universe.
and i felt convicted that i mentioned
the man at celebrate recovery
who wondered if i'd had a little
experience speaking to small
groups. it so caught me off-guard
since my entire adult life i ve
keynoted huge audiences.
this i know...
if i were a brilliant speaker,
AND I AM NOT, it matters not.
only Jesus can touch a heart.
as humans, we are powerless.
we can look good and sound
entertaining, but it's all garbage...
trash..a waste of time..if Jesus
doesn't annoint our lips and
stir hearts. NEVER can a speaker
take credit for what God only
can do.
my orthopedist is waiting two
weeks. doing
another cat scan,
and reevaluating the condition
of my foot. he never says,
"i'm so sorry about this..." or....
"i know you've really suffered."
it's taken me deep..far under....
the cold, icy waters of terror
and pain...but Jesus has been
my Partner. it can't get better
than that. the saga contInues.
today is the Sabbath.
my favorite day of all.
every week. i love this Scripture.
"so here's what I want you to do.
God helping you. take your every
day, ordinary life...your sleeping,
eating, going to work, and walking
around life...and place it before
God as an offering. embracing what God can do for you.....
fix your attention on God. you'll be changed
from the inside out." romans 12
may we celebrate His holiness
today. laugh easily. and hear the
celestial choirs lifting all our burdens to the only One who
truly gets the picture...and can
help us carry them.
thank you, again, for all your
priceless comments of encouragement.
Thanking Abba for already answered prayers as I continue to lift you and yours up to our Father.